The Silent Voice – What You Tell Yourself Matters!

Most of us understand the need to remove destructive people from our lives. It’s easy to see that we need to quiet the negative voices around us. But what if those voices are your own? What if the most negative voice in your life is inside of your own head? As damaging and hurtful as it can feel when someone else puts you down, isn’t it even more destructive when we do that to ourselves?

If your voice is always saying things like; I’m not smart enough, or young enough, or pretty enough, or good enough, or I’m too heavy, or I don’t deserve this, or I’m going to fail, or I’m not as important as others, or whatever deflating message it delivers to you, how is that a good thing? If someone else was around you constantly saying bad things to you and about you, wouldn’t you get them out of your life? By that same token, you need to silence your own negative, hurtful thoughts.

Yes, we all have imperfections and yes, we all have insecurities. It’s one thing to be working on improving yourself to be what and who you want. It’s quite another to beat yourself up for not being perfect. It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s okay to be different. (How boring would life be if we were all perfect and the same?)

The challenge is to control your voice. It starts with being aware of what you say, think, and even feel about yourself, and to start treating yourself with more love, compassion, and understanding. Don’t forget to tell yourself the good things as you continue to improve on the not so good. (Or what you have decided-often incorrectly-is the not so good).

Make your voice an ally, not an enemy.

Your voice should not harm or discourage you.

Your voice should not bring or keep you down.

Your voice should empower and uplift you.

You are not too old, or tall, or short, or young, or heavy, or skinny, or whatever.

Your voice should be under your control.

No one should ever be yelling at you, especially not you, not even silently!

Get Strength From Within!

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