As We Get Older Pursuing Fitness With Patience Is Key!

You would think that being “a bit older” would give us more patience. That we would have gained a certain amount of wisdom with our experience and understand that most things of value take time to achieve. When it comes to fitness, however, everyone seems to want results faster than the fastest speed possible. Once we’ve decided that’s it’s “go time” and have started that new diet or exercise program or fitness pursuit, we have little interest in patience. Regardless of age, want to be there right now!

Even under normal circumstances reaching fitness goals can be a challenge. As we get older our bodies can become even less responsive. Our metabolism isn’t what it once was. Our energy levels might be a bit lower. Our ability to recover from hard work has also lessened. It even takes longer to get warmed up and ready to perform than it once did. I’m not telling you this to discourage you, simply to make you aware. As the saying goes, “Father Time is Undefeated!”

We will all have to deal with some degree of change as we age and many of them won’t be changes that we choose. But that’s OK. You can still get amazing results. Can still reach lofty goals. And can still develop a level of fitness in terms of appearance, performance, and health that’s remarkable. If you need to ease into it a bit more, that’s just fine. If you have to practice a bit more patience, that’s also OK. Adjusting your pace to keep moving still keeps you moving and helps ensure that you will get where you want to go.

Giving yourself a break based on how your body feels is simply the smart thing to do. Push when you can but don’t overdo it and create obstacles for yourself. “Stimulate, don’t annihilate!” as bodybuilding legend Lee Haney used to say. When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, you can be your worst enemy or your best friend. It’s all in the approach.

One of the best approaches, as we continue on our fitness journey, is to have patience while we are being persistent. Learn to temper expectations with a dose of practicality and to keep your dreams always grounded in reality. Most people don’t understand just how much they would be able to achieve if they truly committed themselves. Just be aware that even the most dedicated pursuit of excellence will unfold at its own pace. As we age, our “fast and furious” days may become our “slow and steady” days, but that’s OK. Slow and steady has won many a race!

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